Puzzle 67: Too Many To Count

Neanderthal Tapa Shade in some cells so the shaded cells form a Tapa wall. Cells containing clues (1 or +) may not be shaded. A clue indicates the lengths of separate shaded cell groups among the 8 cells adjacent to it; for example, a clue of “1 2” indicates that there are two groups of shaded cells, one of size 1 and one of size 2. However, as neanderthals don’t know numbers greater than 1, all numbers greater than 1 are replaced by a plus sign (+) each. (So the above “1 2” clue will be replaced to “1 +”. A “1 5” clue is also replaced with “1 +”, and so it’s up to the solver to determine the exact number of a plus sign.)

Expected difficulty MediumAnswerComment/E-mail if you want an answer/solution to be published

Puzzle 67: Neanderthal Tapa

Puzzle 67: Too Many To Count
Neanderthal Tapa
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Obligatory practice puzzle for TVC XIII. Well, you see this post, and you notice that number 2 is missing, so… Also yes, I most likely will participate.

Anyway. Neanderthal Tapa + antisymmetric seems too hard, so I just made a symmetric clue layout for this. A bit of unusual logic that may or may not exist in vanilla Tapa which pushes the difficulty to medium, but a pretty simple solve.

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